Semi Supervised Learning Using Sparse Autoencoder
- To implement a sparse autoencoder for MNIST dataset. Plot a mosaic of the first 100 rows for the weight matrices W1 for different sparsities p = [0.01, 0.1, 0.5, 0.8] .
- Using the same architecutre, train a model for sparsity = 0.1 using 1000 images from MNIST dataset - 100 for each digit. Retrain the encoder output representation of the data with a softmax layer for the 1000 labeled points. Plug original data, encoding and softmax layers together and fine-tune the model.
- Compare performance with a generic neural network of same layers where the weights are initialized randomly for the remaining dataset which is considered to be unlabelled.
Dataset: MNIST - All the digits
Autoencoder parameters:
Num of hidden layers: 1
hidden layer Size = 200
max iterations = 400
Sparsity parameter p = [0.01, 0.1, 0.5, 0.8]
Weight decay λ = 0.001
Sparsity coefficient β = 3
The the architecture and cost function is as follows sparse encoder model
The model is developed using TensorFlow. The weight matrix mosiac for a given sparsity value is as follows
Weight matrix mosiac
Original image
The regenerated image
For semi supervised learning the same tensorflow model was used for initial training. Subsequent implementation of generiac neural network model and training of encoder-softmax & fine-tuning of input-encoder-softmax model was done using keras.
Since the already generated weights were requried to be reused during fine-tuning, an custom initializer class was implemented to pass them to the keras neural network layers.
Weight matrix and regenerated input mosiacs for different sparsity values Performance comparison between generic neural network and the fine-tuned model obtained using encoder